Arignar Anna Zoological Park is one of the modern and
scientifically managed zoos of the Country with 262 full time staff
apart from petty contract workers. The Zoological Park is the pride of
the State and has attained excellence in the Captive Breeding Programme
for endangered species and in the field of zoo education and creating
awareness about the conservation of natural resources. The functions of
the zoo are carried out by several departments/sections namely
Administration, Animal welfare, Commissary (Store), Transport, Research,
Education and Awareness, Veterinary, Horticulture, Security and
Sanitation. The zoo has a well-equipped zoo kitchen, zoo hospital and
quarantine facility. A zoo school was opened in the year 2000 for the
teachers, students and general public where regular zoo education and
conservation programmes are conducted. The zoo has adequate number of
Battery Operated vehicles to transport visitors to the animal exhibits
through the network of internal roads. Several service roads have been
laid for serving the animal enclosures.